Synthesis Issue 3 / 2024
Issues / December 9, 2024

Table of Contents: Anthony TELLO The Literary Machine”. The Victorian Case for World Literature / 7 Dan SHAO Cultural Transfer and the Re-representation of Reality: Barn Burning in Faulkner, Murakami, and Lee Chang-dong’s Film / 25 Sylvia GARCIA-PALURO Proximity and Dis/placement. Interrogating Space in Roza Tumba Quema by Claudia Hernández and Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina García / 50 Sérgio DAS-NEVES The Literatures of the World in Herberto Helder / 68 Marjan MOHAMMADI Weltliteratur and the Figure of Author-Translator in The Adventures Of Hajji Baba / 81 Alina BAKO Balkan World Literature: A Romanian Perspective / 100 Gina PUICĂ La peur de rater en tant que Roumain, un mobile de sa réussite littéraire / 115 Hongyu CHEN Rewriting Media and Literary Space in the Metropolis: Immigrant Writings in London across Centuries / 125 Shiqian ZHOU Navigating Literary Controversies: A Rereading of Mo Yan’s Frog in the Global Literary Landscape / 146 Muguraș CONSTANTINESCU Portrait d’un comparatiste : Yves Chevrel / 162 Pascale CASANOVA & Tiphaine Samoyault Entretien sur La République mondiale des lettres / 177 David DAMROSCH & Cezar Gheorghe On World Literature with David Damrosch / 184 Franco MORETTI & The Editorial Team Quel che è fatto è fatto». An interview with Franco Moretti / 191 Franco MORETTI Insoumise / 202…

“Carmen Brăgaru, Ana-Maria Brezuleanu (coord.); Carmen Brăgaru; Ana-Maria Brezuleanu, Ileana Ciocârlie; Cristina Deutsch (coautori), Bibliografia relațiilor literaturii române cu literaturile străine în periodice (1945–1964), vol. I, București: Editura Academiei Române, 2023, 454 p.
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Bianca BURTĂ-CERNATAffiliation: –Contact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Burța-Cernat, Bianca. “Carmen Brăgaru, Ana-Maria Brezuleanu (coord.); Carmen Brăgaru; Ana-Maria Brezuleanu, Ileana Ciocârlie; Cristina Deutsch (coautori), Bibliografia relațiilor literaturii române cu literaturile străine în periodice (1945–1964), vol. I, București: Editura Academiei Române, 2023, 454 p.”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 247-252. Pages: 247-252Language: FrenchURL: Abstract Bibliography

Magda Dragu, Form and Meaning in Avant-Garde Collage and Montage, London and New York: Routledge, 2020, 256 p.
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Alexandra VRÂNCEANUAffiliation: –Contact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Vrânceanu, Alexandra. “Magda Dragu, Form and Meaning in Avant-Garde Collage and Montage, London and New York: Routledge, 2020, 256 p.”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 262-263.Pages: 262-263Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Bibliography

Muguraș Constantinescu, Daniel Dejica, Titela Vîlceanu (coord.), O istorie a traducerilor în limba română, București: Editura Academiei Române, vol. I, 2021, 1440 p., vol. II, 2022, 2152 p.; vol. III, Suceava, Editura Universității “Ștefan cel Mare”, 2023, 878 p.
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Daniela CĂTAU-VEREȘAffiliation: –Contact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Cătău Vereș, Daniela. “Muguraș Constantinescu, Daniel Dejica, Titela Vîlceanu (coord.), O istorie a traducerilor în limba română, București: Editura Academiei Române, vol. I, 2021, 1440 p., vol. II, 2022, 2152 p.; vol. III, Suceava, Editura Universității “Ștefan cel Mare”, 2023, 878 p.”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 253-261.Pages: 253-261Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Bibliography

“Galin Tihanov, The birth and death of literary theory. Regimes of Relevance in Russia and beyond, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019, 258 p.”
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Senida POENARIUAffiliation: –Contact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Poenariu, Senida. “Galin Tihanov, The birth and death of literary theory. Regimes of Relevance in Russia and beyond, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019, 258 p.”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 244-246.Pages: 244-246Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Bibliography

Quel che è fatto è fatto». An interview with Franco Moretti
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: The Editorial Team, Moretti, FrancoAffiliation: Stanford UniversityContact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: The Editorial Team, Franco Moretti. “«Quel che è fatto è fatto». An interview with Franco Moretti”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 191-193.Pages: 191-193Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Bibliography

David Damrosch, Gunilla Lindberg-Wada (eds), Literature: A World History, vol. 1–4, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley -Blackwell, 2022, 1776 p.
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Cristina DEUTSCHAffiliation: –Contact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Deutsch, Cristina. “David Damrosch, Gunilla Lindberg-Wada (eds), Literature: A World History, vol. 1–4, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley -Blackwell, 2022, 1776 p.”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 231-243.Pages: 231-243Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Bibliography

On Translating and Worlding
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Mircea MARTINAffiliation: University of Bucharest, RomaniaContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Martin, Mircea. “On Translating and Worlding”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 219-228.Pages: 219-228Language: EnglishURL: Abstract This article is the first part of a larger essay that advances a general theory of translation. It starts from the argument that we are all translators (even self-translators) and we are all translated throughout our lives. The paper offers an analysis of the state of the field of translation studies under the conditions of irrepresibile globalization and techonolgical and media revolution. Nowadays “Translational Turn” is discussed taking into account the convergence between the implicitly colonizing trend of American language and culture and self-colonizing aspirations of  “small” languages and cultures in quest for international recognition. Key-words: translation, self-translation, globalisation, “major” and “minor” cultures, worlding, cultural diversity, George Steiner   Bibliography APTER, Emily, The Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature, Princeton,  Princeton University Press, 2006. BOURDIEU, Pierre, « L’économie des échanges linguistiques » in Langue française, no. 34, 1997, pp. 17–34. CASANOVA, Pascale, La République Mondiale des Lettres, Paris, Seuil, 1999. DAMROSCH, David and Gayatri Chakravorty SPIVAK, ”Comparative Literature / World Literature: A Discussion”, in David Damrosch, (ed.), World Literature in Theory, Malden, MA (USA) / Oxford (UK), Wiley Blackwell, 2014, pp. 363–388. MORARU, Christian, Cosmodermism: American Narrative, Late Globalization,…

Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Franco MorettiAffiliation: Stanford UniversityContact: – 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Moretti, Franco. “Insoumise”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 202-206.Pages: 202-206.Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Bibliography

Travelling World Literature Concepts: David Damrosch Translated Into Romanian
Articles / December 9, 2024

👤Author Name: Roxana EICHELAffiliation: University of Bucharest, RomaniaContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Eichel, Roxana. “Travelling World Literature Concepts: David Damrosch Translated Into Romanian”. Synthesis, 3 / 2024: 207-216.Pages: 207-2016Language: EnglishURL: Abstract This article briefly explores some of the current main theoretical frameworks in studying world literature, with a focus on David Damrosch’s recent books Comparing the Literatures (2020) and Around the World in 80 Books (2020). As both of these works have been translated into Romanian in 2023, the travelling notion of world literature and its particular horizons and possible meanings in Romanian raise questions about the concept’s “refractions” and nuances in local and regional contexts. I argue that although Damrosch’s reception in Romanian academia long predates his translation into Romanian language, there is still little consensus with regard to appropriate equivalents of world literature concepts in Romanian. In a small national culture which still negotiates its positions within the networks of world literature, responses to major paradigms can be shaped not just epistemologically, but also ideologically. Key-words: travelling theory, translation, world literature, David Damrosch, “literatură mondială” Bibliography DAMROSCH, David, Comparing the Literatures. Literary Studies in an Age of  Globalization, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020. DAMROSCH, David, Cum comparăm literaturile. Studiile literare într-o epocă a globalizării, transl. into Romanian…