The articles and reviews are received throughout the year, with the deadline: July 1st for the thematic issue of the ongoing year.
The journal appears annually in December, online and in print.
Manuscripts are submitted electronically as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word format.
Please send your contribution (article or book review) to:
Submission Requirements
The contributions are published in English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish. The author has a responsibility to submit a grammatically and stylistically correct manuscript
Articles (min. 5000 words) shouldn’t exceed 20000 words, but larger articles are also accepted.
Book reviews (min. 700 words) shouldn’t exceed 2000 words.
Manuscript Structure
- Please send articles in Word format (.doc or .docx), using Times New Roman 12; line spacing: 1.5.
- Title is written in capital letters, TNR 14, alignment: justify
- Name and surname to be written under title of article, justify, TNR 12.
- The author’s institution, country and email to be added as a footnote to name and surname. This footnote will be marked by an asterisk.
Abstract and Key-words: Title of article in English, an abstract (150-200 words) and keywords (5) in English will be added before the article, in Times New Roman 11, justified, single-spaced.
Quotations will be incorporated in text using quotation marks (“…”) and reference will be given in footnote. If a sentence ends after quotation, the full stop will follow the quotation marks. Use any other punctuation mark after (outside) quotation, if it doesn’t belong to the quotation.
If the quote takes more than two lines it will be set off in in a separate paragraph, written in TNR 11, double-spaced (with one space before and after the paragraph).
Do not use quotation marks for the set-off quote, the reference will be given in a footnote (with reference number placed after the final full stop.)
Quotation marks:
- For English: “xxxx”
- For French: «xxx»
- For a quotation within another quotation please use “«xxx»” for English and «”xxx “» for articles in French.
For a missing fragment within a quoted text please use: […].
References will be given as footnotes, at the bottom of the page, with continuous numbering, single-spaced, TNR 9, with a space left after quotation number and a full stop at the end.
Footnote marks will come :
- before punctuation marks (text1, text2; )
- after quotation marks, but
- before full stop (“text”3.)
Structure of footnotes: see the following examples, for chapters in books or articles in reviews4 and for books5.
4 Sigmund Freud, « Pour introduire le narcissisme », in Œuvres complètes. Psychanalyse, Volume XII 1(913-1914), Paris, PUF, 2005, pp. 217-245.
5 Antoine Compagnon, Les Antimodernes. De Joseph de Maistre à Roland Barthes, Paris, Gallimard, 2005, p. 279.
The name of journals and reviews should be given in italics. The title of the article published in a journal/ review will be given within quotation marks each entry will end with a fullstop :
AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Name, “Title of article”, Journal, vol. VI, no.1, 2007, pp. 27-36.
All references have to appear in the Bibliography.
In footnotes please use Idem, Ibidem or Ibid.,1, with the page and without the page2 and op. cit.,3 as in the examples bellow:
1 Idem, p. 323. [With reference to the same book of Antoine Compagnon, but to a different page, with source full quoted in preceding note.]
2 Ibidem, or Ibid., [Reference to the same book of the same author Antoine Compagnon, and also to the same page, with source given in preceding note.]
3 Sigmund Freud, op. cit., p. 233. [With reference to the text of Freud which was quoted before, but not in the preceding note.]
The Bibliography must be inserted at the end of the article. It may include other titles, beyond those quoted in the text. The title should be bold, justified: Bibliography. It shouldn’t exceed one page and a half, TNR 12, one line. Names will be listed in the alphabetical order of surnames (family names), with the surname capitalized:
COMPAGNON, Antoine, Les Antimodernes. De Joseph de Maistre à Roland Barthes, Paris, Gallimard, 2005.
All information given in a footnote will be given also in the Bibliography entry, except for page numbers. All entries end with a fullstop.
Articles should follow the standard grammar norms of their language.
Images, charts, graphs must observe copywrite rules; resolution (300 ppi) and dimensions should meet standard formatting. They will be sent as separate files, in JPG format.
Submission Form
Please fill in the following submission form, sign, scan and send it together with your manuscript. For more information see Ethics and Malpractice.