ISSN: 0256-7245
ISSN-E: 3045-1558
This is a full Open Access journal. All articles are available for free and authors do not pay for the publication of their articles.
Synthesis is published by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy. The print version is published in December. The deadline for the call for papers: July 1st.
About Us
Synthesis is a peer-reviewed annual scholarly journal published by the Institute for Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu”, first issued in 1974 as the bulletin of the National Committee for Comparative Literature, under the direction of Zoe Dumitrescu-Bușulenga. Over decades, notable Romanian scholars joined the editorial board: Alexandru Duțu, Adrian Marino, Alexandru Balaci, Al. Călinescu, Alexandru Ciorănescu, Marian Papahagi, Mircea Anghelescu, Dan Grigorescu, Cătălina Velculescu, Sorin Alexandrescu, Monica Spiridon. Between 2000 and 2006 Zoe Dumitrescu-Bușulenga remains honorary director and Dan Grigorescu is director until 2009, when Eugen Simion takes over the journal.
In 2023 a new series appears under the directorship of Oana Soare, with professor Mircea Martin as honorary director of the Journal.
Scope and Aims
Synthesis publishes and disseminates original research in the field of Literary and Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. From the beginning, the journal has been devoted to comparative literature and interdisciplinarity and developed a multidisciplinary and international profile. It aims to bring high quality scholarship of international young academics to a wider audience. The journal welcomes innovative articles and approaches and does not require the use of any specific methodology. The journal publishes book reviews as well.
Publishing Policy
There are no submission or publication charges for authors. The access is free for all contents. Anyone can read, download, copy, print, use or redirect links for abstracts and articles published in the Journal without asking for the publisher’s or author’s permission, with the only condition of a complete and correct citation of the source.
Copyright policy: Authors grant Synthesis the right to publish, reproduce and communicate their work in the form approved by the Editorial Board. The authors retain their copyright rights and they may publish any part or fully their work, translate or reprint it in any other format, providing the complete reference to the original source in Synthesis. Authors may place their articles in any repository as long as the source (Synthesis) is fully acknowledged.
Synthesis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Abstracting and indexing
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