👤Author Name: Alina-Daniela MARINESCU 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Marinescu, Alina-Daniela. ‟Maniérisme et miroirs convexes”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 97-110. Title: MANIÉRISME ET MIROIRS CONVEXESPages: 97-110Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/10_A_D_Marinescu.pdf Excerpt: Le superlatif de la création maniériste est selon G.R. Hocke « l’art entièrement antinaturaliste »* qui devient « un disegno metaforico », une aventure du métaphorique, «c’est-à-dire la possibilité d’exprimer n’importe quoi par n’importe quoi. (…) Cet art n’est pas engendré par la nature, maïs par l’art luimême. »
👤Author Name: Manuela ANTON 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. ‟Views on the primary religious instruction in the eighteenth century: Feofan Prokopovich and Dimitrie Cantemir”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 89-95. Title: VIEWS ON THE PRIMARY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: FEOFAN PROKOPOVICH AND DIMITRIE CANTEMIRPages: 88-95Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/9_M_Anton.pdf Excerpt: In this paper J will examine the polemic between Feofan Prokopovich (168 1–1736) and Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723) on the issue of primary religious instruction. This polemic was launched in the reformist framework of Peter I of Russia and is expressed in two writings: Prokopovich’s primer Pervoe uchenie otrokom, which appeared in St Petersburg in 1720 in the printing press of the Aleksandr Nevskii monastery,’ and Cantemir’s Loca obscura in catechisi, quae ab anonymo authore slaveno idiomate, edita Pervoe uchenie otrokom intitulata est,’ conveyed to the first author in the same year.
👤Author Name: Cătălina VELCULESCU 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Velculescu, Cătălina. ‟Un recueil de « meraviglia » dans un manuscrit de Râmnicu Vâlcea”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 83-87. Title: UN RECUEIL DE « MERAVIGLIA » DANS UN MANUSCRIT DE RÂMNICU VÂLCEAPages: 83-87Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/8_C_Velculescu.pdf Excerpt: Au groupe de lettrés formé autour de l’évêque Chezarie (Kesarie) de Râmnicu Vâlcea appartenait aussi le hiérodiacre Anatolie, qui après 1776 a contribué à l’impression des Minée (ménologes) et c’est encore lui qui nous a légué un manuscrit impressionnant copié dans les années 1774-1778″.
👤Author Name: Ileana STĂNCULESCU 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Stănculescu, Ileana. ‟La letteratura giuridica ed il suo valore letterario in Moldavia e Valachia nei sec. XVI-XVIII”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 73-82. Title: LA LETTERATURA GIURIDICA ED IL SUO VALORE LETTERARIO IN MOLDAVIA E VALACHIA NEI SEC. XVI-XVIIIPages: 73-82Language: ItalianURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/7_I_Stanculescu.pdf Excerpt: La letteratura giuridica, come componente della letteratura antica, è stata meno studiata, in relazione all’immaginario medioevale dei Principati romeni!. La letteratura giuridica di tipo bizantino che circolava qui, attraverso la scrittura slava ecclesiastica, è stata tradotta in romeno, non prima del XVI secolo?
👤Author Name: Silvia MARIN-BARUTCIEFF 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Marin-Barutcieff, Silvia. ‟A sacred voyage to the East and the West. The birth of St. Christopherʼs cult and hagiography”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 63-72. Title: A SACRED VOYAGE TO THE EAST AND THE WEST. THE BIRTH OF ST. CHRISTOPHERʼS CULT AND HAGIOGRAPHYPages: 63-72Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/6_S_Marin_Barutcieff.pdf Excerpt: In Spain, the saint is celebrated on 10 July (VI idus julii).” It is believed that, on that day, a synagogue in Valencia was consecrated to the martyr, because the Jews heard the saint in their sleep, at night, asking them to renounce Judaism and to be baptized as Christians. The Dominican monk Vincent Ferrer, a native Valencian, who was canonized later, appears to have performed the conversion.”
👤Author Name: Raluca DUNĂ 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Dună, Raluca. ‟Memory as the place of the self in St. Augustineʼs Confessions”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 39-46. Title: MEMORY AS THE PLACE OF THE SELF IN ST. AUGUSTINEʼS CONFESSIONSPages: 39-46Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/4_R_Duna.pdf Excerpt: St. Augustine was the first to perceive the double nature of autobiography, not of that autobiography following the ancient biographical model, but of the modern autobiography, which means introspection and self-creation. His great achievement was the invention of the “self’, carried out by the eulogy to memory in Book X.
👤Author Name: Cristina BOGDAN 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Bogdan, Cristina. ‟Les traces iconographiques dʼun texte biblique controversé”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 47-61. Title: LES TRACES ICONOGRAPHIQUES DʼUN TEXTE BIBLIQUE CONTROVERSÉPages: 47-61Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/5_C_Bogdan.pdf Excerpt: Le message des textes bibliques s’est répandu au long des siècles par diverses formes circonscrites à l’aire du domaine oral, de celui écrit et de celui figuratif. Le sermon, l’exégèse ou l’iconographie ont proposé des variantes de «commentaire» aux Écritures, adéquates à un certain type de public, en quelque sorte familiarisé avec le langage propre à ces disciplines.
👤Author Name: Alexandra CIOCÂRLIE 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Ciocârlie, Alexandra. ‟Carthage vue par Cicéron”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 31-38. Title: CARTHAGE VUE PAR CICÉRONPages: 31-38Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/3_A_Ciocarlie.pdf Excerpt: L’image de Carthage hante les oeuvres de philosophie morale ou politique de Cicéron. Les épisodes historiques sur lesquels il s’attarde sont l’anéantissement de la cité de Didon et la mort de Regulus durant la première guerre punique. La fin de Carthage fait l’objet de la révélation apportée par Scipion l’ Africain dans le rêve de son neveu.
👤Author Name: Paolo COVA 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Cova, Paolo. ‟Giuseppe e Salomè protagonisti laici e indiscreti. Riflessioni sul clima culturale e teologico intorno al Protovangelo di Giacomo”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 13-29. Title: GIUSEPPE E SALOMÈ PROTAGONISTI LAICI E INDISCRETI. RIFLESSIONI SUL CLIMA CULTURALE E TEOLOGICO INTORNO AL PROTOVANGELO DI GIACOMOPages: 13-29Language: ItalianURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/2_P_Cova.pdf Excerpt: I vangeli apocrifi rappresentano una delle più preziose testimonianze della storia del cristianesimo delle origini; essi sono la prova della progressiva formulazione del canone religioso cristiano e della dimensione di pluralità e di profonda diversificazione teologica e culturale, che permeavano le giovani comunità diffuse per tutto il Mediterraneo nei primi secoli della nuova era.
👤Author Name: Piñero Moral RICARDO 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Piñero Moral, Ricardo, ‟Hacia una fundamentación del imaginario medieval: El Bestiario”. Synthesis, no. XXXI-XXXIII, 2004-2006, pp. 3-12. Title: HACIA UNA FUNDAMENTACIÓN DEL IMAGINARIO MEDIEVAL: EL BESTIARIOPages: 3-12Language: spanishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2004-2006/XXXI-XXXIII/1_R_Pinero_Moral.pdf Excerpt: Experiencia imaginaria remite hoy aquí no a aquella que es inventada, irreal, falsa o engañadora. Ni siquiera a algo exclusivo, particular o privado. “Experiencia” e “imaginación” son conceptos que poseen una historia variada’ y compleja, difícil de diseccionar. En ocasiones, ambos han sido olvidados, relegados, tenidos por peligrosos y, por ello, condenados; porque lo que sí parece cierto, en principio, es que tanto experiencia como imaginación denotan dinamismo, interacción, proceso”, riqueza expresiva, libertad. o al menos, un libre juego entre el sujeto y la realidad, entre los datos del mundo y su configuración como experiencia, entre los propios contenidos de la experiencia sensible y las elaboraciones intelectuales que de ellos hace el sujeto.