Table of Contents: LEONARD MARS Some anthropological reflections on widowhood/ 3 ALINA-DANIELA MARINESCU Féminité et masculinité dans lʼantiquité greco-romaine/ 21 ALEXANDRA CIOCÂRLIE Carthage dans la littérature latine chrétienne/ 41 MANUELA ANTON Stephanites and Ichnelates in the Greek and Slavic literatures: a critical bibliography study/ 49 LAURA AȘTELIAN La vision chrétienne du théâtre de la Renaissance française/ 55 PETRE ROȘULESCU A vintage text: Ioan Baracʼs Hamlet/ 63 ELEONORA HOTINEANU Avatars du paysage et recherches identitaires (Lʼexemple de la poésie roumaine de Bessarabie des années 60-80 du XXe siècle)/ 91 CRISTINA BALINTE Le déguisement onirique des symboles religieux – La nuit des innocents et Le long voyage du prisonnier par Sorin Titel/ 113 CRISTINA DEUTSCH From childʼs psychology to psychiatry. Magical and pathological cases: Tony Morrison, Beloved/ 119 СТЫКАЛИН А.С. Россия – Польша: опыт многовековых отношений в зеркале литературного процесса. Размышления над книгой/ 133 NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES Anne Ranasinghe, On The Fifth Day: a collection of poems about animals with illustrations. The English Writers Co-operative of Sri Lanka. Colombo. 2006. ISBN 955-9069-14-4. 50 p. (LEONARD MARS) Plus Oultre. Mélanges offerts à Daniel-Henry Pageaux, Paris, LʼHarmattan, 2007, 478 p. (ELEONORA HOTINEANU)
👤Author Name: Eleonora HOTINEANU 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Hotineanu, Eleonora. ‟Plus Oultre. Mélanges offerts à Daniel-Henry Pageaux, Paris, LʼHarmattan, 2007, 478 p.”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 169-170.Title: Plus Oultre. Mélanges offerts à Daniel-Henry Pageaux, Paris, LʼHarmattan, 2007, 478 p. Pages: 167-168Language: EnglishURL: Excerpt: Plus Oultre : un ouvrage paru chez l’Harmattan, au titre significatif. Il réunit 38 études que lesous-titre présente comme « Mélanges offert à Daniel-Henri Pageaux ». Pour rappel, D.-H. Pageauxest professeur émérite à la Sorbonne Nouvelle, hispaniste de formation, lusitaniste, mais égalementMembre correspondant de l’Académie des Sciences/Lettres de Lisbonne. Quant au titre de l’ouvrage,Plus Oultre, il évoque la devise née à la Cour de Bourgogne, adoptée par Charles-Quint. Celle-ci,constamment associée aux Colonnes d’Hercule (l’actuel détroit de Gibraltar), marqua longtemps lafin de l’ancien monde.
👤Author Name: Leonard MARS 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Mars, Leonard. ‟Anne Ranasinghe, On The Fifth Day: a collection of poems about animals with illustrations. The English Writers Co-operative of Sri Lanka. Colombo. 2006. ISBN 955-9069-14-4. 50 p.”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 167-168.Title: ANNE RANASINGHE, On The Fifth Day: a collection of poems about animals with illustrations. The English Writers Co-operative of Sri Lanka. Colombo. 2006. ISBN 955-9069-14-4. 50 p. Pages: 167-168Language: EnglishURL: Excerpt: Anne Ranasinghe, about whom I wrote an article for this journal in 2002 entitled “Anne Ranasinghe: The Social Identity of a German-born, English-educated, Sri Lankan, Jewish Poet”, has produced a new collection of poetry on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Most of the twenty eight poems had already been published, some dating back to 1970, but two were written for this volume, including the final piece entitled “Destiny”.
👤Author Name: СТЫКАЛИН, А.С. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: СТЫКАЛИН, А.С. ‟Россия – Польша: опыт многовековых отношений в зеркале литературного процесса. Размышления над книгой”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 133-165.Title: РОССИЯ-ПОЛЬША: ОПЫТ МНОГОВЕКОВЫХ ВЗАИМООТНОШЕНИЙ В ЗЕРКАЛЕ ЛИТЕРАТУРНОГО ПРОЦЕССА. РАЗМЫШЛЕНИЯ НАД КНИГОЙ Pages: 133-165Language: RussianURL: Excerpt: Конечно, задолго до их появления чрезвычайно богатый фактами и событиями, полный противоречий и драматических столкновений опыт взаимоотношений двух народов стал (в разнообразных своих проявлениях) предметом громадной историографии. Задача восполнения „белых пятен” в истории разносторонних российско-польских контактов актуальна и сегодня2.
👤Author Name: Cristina DEUTSCH 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Deutsch, Cristina. ‟From childʼs psychology to psychiatry. Magical and pathological cases: Tony Morrison, Beloved”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 119-132.Title: FROM CHILDʼS PSYCHOLOGY TO PSYCHIATRY. MAGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CASES: TONY MORRISON, BELOVED Pages: 119-132Language: EnglishURL: Excerpt: Even from the first paragraphs of her well-known novel, Beloved, Toni Morrison introduces us in a space that can be characterized as magical, or maybe even beyond what we call “traditional” magic: “124 WAS SPITEFUL. Full of a baby’s venom”.1 The house, this territory inside which the action is taking place belongs to Sethe, an ex-runaway slave escaped from the plantation where she was working, “Sweet House,” more than twenty years ago.
👤Author Name: Cristina BALINTE 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Balinte, Cristina. ‟Le déguisement onirique des symboles religieux – La nuit des innocents et Le long voyage du prisonnier par Sorin Titel”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 113-117.Title: LE DÉGUISEMENT ONIRIQUE DES SYMBOLES RELIGIEUX – LA NUIT DES INNOCENTS ET LE LONG VOYAGE DU PRISONNIER PAR SORIN TITEL Pages: 113-117Language: FrenchURL: Excerpt: La mise en oeuvre des stratégies (ou plutôt des stratagèmes), afin d’assurer la parution des livres, pendant les périodes de coercition idéologique maximale, peut avoir malheureusement, dans le contexte actuel, l’air d’une bizarrerie paranoïaque.
👤Author Name: Eleonora HOTINEANU 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Hotineanu, Eleonora. ‟Avatars du paysage et recherches identitaires (Lʼexemple de la poésie roumaine de Bessarabie des années 60-80 du XXe siècle)”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 91-111.Title: AVATARS DU PAYSAGE ET RECHERCHES IDENTITAIRES (LʼEXEMPLE DE LA POÉSIE ROUMAINE DE BESSARABIE DES ANNÉES 60-80 DU XXe SIÈCLE) Pages: 91-111Language: FrenchURL: Excerpt: L’élargissement de l’Europe permet l’ouverture à de nouveaux territoires. Il donne l’occasion à l’interprétation de nouveaux paysages et par là – à la découverte de nouvelles « émotions ». Mais, dans l’immédiat, tous les pays, hélas, n’auront pas la possibilité de ces retrouvailles géographiques et historiques – soit, identitaires.
👤Author Name: Petre ROȘULESCU 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Roșulescu, Petre. ‟A vintage text: Ioan Baracʼs Hamlet”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 63-89.Title: A VINTAGE TEXT: IOAN BARACʼS HAMLETPages: 63-89Language: FrenchURL: Excerpt: When it was translated for the first time by Ioan Barac, a parson from the Transylvanian city of Braşov, around the year 1800, Hamlet was basically perceived as a German Familientragödie of the eighteenth century.
👤Author Name: Laura AȘTELIAN 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Aștelian, Laura. ‟La vision chrétienne du théâtre de la Renaissance française”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 55-62.Title: LA VISION CHRÉTIENNE DU THÉÂTRE DE LA RENAISSANCE FRANÇAISEPages: 55-62Language: FrenchURL: Excerpt: Une rétrospective, même sommaire, de l’époque de la Renaissance française, envisagée sous ses aspects historiques, justifie pleinement et même impose une analyse focalisée sur l’émergence de nouvelles idées religieuses du XVIe siècle, dans la littérature et, en général, dans la culture.
👤Author Name: Manuela ANTON 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. ‟Stephanites and Ichnelates in the Greek and Slavic literatures: a critical bibliography study”. Synthesis, no. XXXIV-XXXV, 2007-2008, pp. 49-53Title: STEPHANITES AND ICHNELATES IN THE GREEK AND SLAVIC LITERATURES: A CRITICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY STUDYPages: 49-53Language: EnglishURL: Excerpt: Anthropology is the comparative study of society and culture, usually practised by the method of participant observation, but its theories and methods can and have been applied to literary texts. In this paper I shall consider the status of the widow in various societies and cultures based on my eclectic reading which ranges from the Bible to modern novels and short stories. In my own fieldwork, conducted in Israel, Wales and Hungary, I have of course encountered many widows and widowers though I have never made a study of their social position, hence my resort to examples taken from a range of literature. Bibliography The point of departure for the Byzantine Fürstenspiegel Stephanitēs kai Ichnēlatēs is the Arabic Kalīla wa-Dimna, the ultimate sources of which should be sought in India. Here this collection of fables survived in the epic poem Pañcatantra and was transmitted in the Arabic literature through a Middle Persian (Pahlavi) lost version from a Sanskrit…