Table of Contents: GH. CHIVUDimitrie Cantemir et le renouvellement de l’ancienroumain littéraire / 3 IOANA COSTACantemirʼs Annotationes in The Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire / 13 MANUELA ANTONMarital Strategies in the Correspondence between Antiokh Kantemir and Maria Kantemir: The Employment of the Symbols of Animals / 19 ILEANA MIHĂILĂUne esthétique de l’érotique: une grammaire desgestes dans un roman libertin des lumières françaises / 27 CRISTINA DEUTSCHMasking Status: Costume and Ego Veiling inLiterature. A Comparative Study in Literary Textures. TheJewish Identity’s New Clothes. American-Jewish ClothingHabits in Fiction / 35 DANIEL IONESCUThe Imitation of Perception. The Evolution from Camera Lucida to Futurismʼs Dissemination. A Project that Radically Changed Literature, Art and Social Life in the Early Twentieth Century. Italian Futurism – an Inaugural, Intransigent, and Volcanic Vocation / 47 ALEXANDRA CIOCÂRLIEPlaidoiries en faveur du classicisme: M. Eminescu, T. Maiorescu et E. Lovinescu sur lʼenseignement classique roumain / 61 A.C. СТЫКАЛИНРумыния летом 1964 г. Отношение общественного мнения к СССР глазами советского литератора / 71 NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES MARCO CUGNO, Mihai Eminescu: nel laboratorio di «Luceafărul», Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2006, 261 p., ISBN 88-7694-710-8 978-88-7694- 710-0 (Cristina Balinte); ILIA ILF, EVGHENI PETROV, America fără etaje, translated and notes by Ana-Maria Brezuleanu, Polirom, 2010, 472 p. ISBN 978-973-46-1742-5 (Cristina Deutsch); VLADIMIR MAKANIN, Spaima, translated…
👤Author Name: А. C. СтыкалинAffiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies (Institut Slvanovdeniia) of the Russian Academy of Sciences 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Стыкалин, А. C., ‟Румыния летом 1964 г. Отношение общественного мнения к СССР глазами советского литератора”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 71-96.Title: РУМЫНИЯ ЛЕТОМ 1964 Г. ОТНОШЕНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО МНЕНИЯ К СССР ГЛАЗАМИ СОВЕТСКОГО ЛИТЕРАТОРАPages: 71-96Language: RussianURL: Abstract This essay explores the reaction of the Romanian intellectual circles towards the crisis occurred between Soviet Union and Romania after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The analysis is based on the report conceived by the Soviet writer and editor-in-chief of the journal ‟Inostrannaia literature” Savva Dangulov in 1964 (‟Some notes regarding the trip to Romania”). The full version of this literary document is edited after the original manuscript preserved in the Russian State Archives of Literature and Arts (RGALI). Keywords: literature and politics; Romanian-Soviet literary relations; ideological stereotypes; de-Sovietization of Romanian literature; writer and party apparatus.
👤Author Name: Alexandra CiocârlieAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian Academy 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Ciocârlie, Alexandra. “Plaidoiries en faveur du classicisme: M. Eminescu, T. Maiorescu et E. Lovinescu sur lʼenseignement classique roumain”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 61-69.Title: PLAIDOIRIES EN FAVEUR DU CLASSICISME: M. EMINESCU, T. MAIORESCU ET E. LOVINESCU SUR L’ENSEIGNEMENT CLASSIQUE ROUMAINPages: 61-69Language: FrenchURL: Abstract Manifesting deep concern regarding the educational system, some of the most important Romanian writers pleaded for the study of the classical languages during the secondary school and the high-school, and for the cultivation of the values of Antiquity in the modern world. Despite deploying different arguments, Titu Maiorescu and E. Lovinescu shared the same idea about the importance of having a good knowledge of Antiquity. Both of them supported the idea that the ancient Greek language and the Latin are fundamental for one’s knowledge; they uphold the belief that the classical education has a formative and moral value, and it represents a key element for the development of the national culture. Keywords: classical education; values of Antiquity; Eminescu; Maiorescu; Lovinescu.
👤Author Name: Daniel IonescuAffiliation: National University of Arts of Bucharest 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Ionescu, Daniel. ‟The imitation of perception. The evolution from camera lucida to Futurismʼs dissemination. A project that radically changed literature, art and social life in the early twentieth century. Italian Futurism – an inaugural, intransigent and volcanic vocation”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 47-59.Title: THE IMITATION OF PERCEPTION. THE EVOLUTION FROM CAMERA LUCIDA TO FUTURISMʼS DISSEMINATION. A PROJECT THAT RADICALLY CHANGED LITERATURE, ART AND SOCIAL LIFE IN THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY. ITALIAN FUTURISM – AN INAUGURAL, INTRANSIGENT, AND VOLCANIC VOCATIONPages: 47-59Language: EnglishURL: Abstract The essay pertains to the development of the “dark-room” concept through centuries, from the Mahist Chinese mathematical school of the 4th cent. B.C. up to the Futurist project of the beginning of the 20th century. Keywords: concave mirrors; dark-room; divisionism; image inversion; optical camera.
👤Author Name: Cristina DeutschAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian Academy 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Deutsch, Cristina. “Masking status: costume and Ego veiling in literature. A comparative study in literary textures. The Jewish identityʼs new clothes. American-Jewish clothing habits in fiction”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 35-45.Title: MASKING STATUS: COSTUME AND EGO VEILING IN LITERATURE. A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN LITERARY TEXTURES. THE JEWISH IDENTITY’S NEW CLOTHES. AMERICAN-JEWISH CLOTHING HABITS IN FICTIONPages: 35-45Language: EnglishURL: Abstract The study tries to catch the relationship between more directions of comparative literature, focusing mainly on the relation between Fashion Studies and Minority Studies. The departure point is that of the literary character as a “dressed body” that institutes a mask that could have various interpretative directions. Costume as fashion is seen as an auctorial device for defining the literary character’s Ego, transforming “texture” into ‘text”. The analysis is based on the American Jewish fiction, from Anzia Yezierska to Isaac Bashevis Singer and Philip Roth and it constitutes only the part of a bigger study that analyzes the link between literature and fashion. Keywords: fashion theory; Jewish American fiction; interculturalism; comparative literature; queer studies.
👤Author Name: Ileana MihăilăAffiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of French Language and Literature 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Mihăilă, Ileana. ‟Lʼesthétique de lʼérotique : une grammaire des gestes dans un roman libertin des Lumières françaises”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 27-34Title: LʼESTHETIQUE DE L’ÉROTIQUE : UNE GRAMMAIRE DES GESTES DANS UN ROMAN LIBERTIN DES LUMIÈRES FRANÇAISESPages: 27-34Language: FrenchURL: Abstract The paper is focused on the grammar of the gestures in the erotic initiation of a young gentleman, as presented by one of the most interesting French authors of the Enlightenment libertine novel, Crébillon-fils. But in his Égarements du coeur et de lʼesprit nothing is but esthetic, neither the language, nor the plot. The art of seduction is completed both by words and gestures, but, most of the time, the language is deceiving and the gestures reveal the hidden truth. Keywords: Crébillon fils; French libertine novel; art of seduction; Enlightenment; significant gestures.
👤Author Name: Manuela AntonAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the RomanianAcademy 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. “Marital strategies in the correspondence between Antiokh Kantemir and Maria Kantemir: the employment of the symbols of animals”.Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 19-25.Title: MARITAL STRATEGIES IN THE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEENANTIOKH KANTEMIR AND MARIA KANTEMIR: THE EMPLOYMENT OF THESYMBOLS OF ANIMALSPages: 19-25Language: EnglishURL: Abstract This essay pertains to the issue of Antiokh Kantemir’s marriage prospects in regard to the daughter of the cabinet minister of the Russian Empire, Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkasskii. There is made an attempt by the author to show the strategies of the Wallachian prince to strengthen his position in a society, in which the family and clan relationships were still crucial for gaining and preserving a social status. These strategies are viewed in the light of the epistolary exchange between the Kantemir siblings and the use by them of the Aesopic language. Keywords: clan and family at the Russian court; epistolary inheritance; fables; Antiokh Kantemir; Maria Kantemir.
👤Author Name: Gh. ChivuAffiliation: Romanian Academy, Section of Philology 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Chivu, Gh., „Dimitrie Cantemir et le renouvellement de lʼancienroumain littéraire”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 3-12Title: DIMITRIE CANTEMIR ET LE RENOUVELLEMENT DE L’ANCIENROUMAIN LITTÉRAIREPages: 3-12Language: FrenchURL: Abstract The author seeks to identify and to explain some of the characteristics of the works written by Dimitrie Cantemir in Romanian language (Divanul, Istoria ieroglifică and Hronicul). On the one hand, this enterprise aims at emphasizing Cantemir’s linguistic and stylistic innovations in the development of the Romanian written culture at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries. On the other hand, there will be discussed the ineffectiveness of some aspects of his cultural heritage Keywords: old Romanian literature; belles-lettres; linguistic norms; stylistic norms; lexical inventions with a stylistic function
👤Author Name: Ioana CostaAffiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures,Department of Classical Philology 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Costa, Ioana. ‟Cantemirʼs annotationes in The Growth and decay ofthe Othman Empire”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 13-17.sTitle: CANTEMIRʼS ANNOTATIONES IN THE GROWTH AND DECAYOF THE OTHMAN EMPIREPages: 13-17Language: EnglishURL: Abstract Cantemir’s Incrementorum et decrementorum Aulae Othman[n]icae is a twofold writing, not only regarding the explicit component of “growth” and “decay”, but also in a philological manner, as the author provides a huge amount of “annotations”, covering all the possible questions a reader could ask. Answering the virtual questions, they reveal Cantemir as inquisitive as a reader, as he is an erudite author. Keywords: Cantemir; annotations; philology; anecdotes; author. Bibliography Cantemir, Dimitrie, Incrementorum et decrementorum Aulae Othmannicae libri tres/ The Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire. Original Latin text of the final version revised by the author/ Creşterile şi Descreşterile Imperiului Otoman. Textul original latin în forma finală revizuită de autor. Facsimil of the manuscript Lat-124 from Biblioteca Houghton, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., introduction by Virgil Cândea, Bucharest, 1999. Cantemir, Dimitrie, Incrementorum et decrementorum Aulae Othman[n]icae sive Aliothman[n]icae historiae a prima gentis origine ad nostra usque tempora deductae libri…
👤Author Name: Cristina Deutsch 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Deutsch, Cristina. ‟Davide Astori, La “Vita di Bertoldo di Giulio Cesare Croce nella versione del manoscritto n. 328 (230) del Fondo 45641 del Museo storico di Mosca, Timişoara, Brumar, 2011, 390 p., ISBN 978-973-602-646-1”. Synthesis, no. XXXIX, 2012, pp. 101-102Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 101-102Language: EnglishURL: Book: DAVIDE ASTORI, La “Vita di Bertoldo di Giulio Cesare Croce nella versione del manoscritto n. 328 (230) del Fondo 45641 del Museo storico di Mosca, Timişoara, Brumar, 2011, 390 p., ISBN 978-973-602-646-1