Table of Contents: IOANA COSTAAncient Tables Of Contents / 3 ALEXANDRA CIOCARLIEDeux études roumaines sur la tragédie / 11 MANUELA ANTONThe Catechetical Literature Written in Romanian Language in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / 25 ANA-MARIA DASCĂLU, Die ewige Sehnsucht nach Liebe — Amori passioni, dolori in Ugo Foscolos Sonetti / 35 SIMONA GALAȚCHIReveries By The Fireplace / 47 А. Стыкалин Советский солдат на среднеевропейской земле в 1945 г. Встреча двух цивилизаций глазами писателей[1]современников (заметки на полях книги Ш. Мараи „Земля! Земля!”) / 57 ILEANA MIHAILALe probléme de la veracité: Le roman historique et le roman en tant qu’histoire / 77 NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES K. Gvozdeva, A. Stroev (dir.) avec la collaboration de L. Millon, Savoirs ludiques. Pratiques de divertissement et émergence d’institutions, doctrines et disciplines dans l’Europe moderne (Cristina Balinte); Dolores Toma, Panait Istrati de A a Z (Ileana Mihaila); Catalina Girbea, Le Bon Sarrasin dans le roman medieval (1100-1225) (loan Panzaru); Sarga Moussa & Alexandre Stroev (dir.), L’invention de la Sibérie par les voyageurs et écrivains français (XVII -XIX° siècles) (Mihail-George Hancu); Amelia Sanz, Francesca Scott, Suzan van Dijk (ed.), Women Telling Nations (Manuela Anton); Vladislav Rjéoutski, Gesine Argent et Derek Offord (dir.), European Francophonie. The Social, Political and…
👤Author Author : Manuela AntonAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian AcademyContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. ”The Catechetical Literature Written In Romanian Language In The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 25-33Title: THE CATECHETICAL LITERATURE WRITTEN IN ROMANIAN LANGUAGE IN THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIESPages: 25-33Language: EnglishURL: Abstract In this essay there are examined the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Romanian translations from German, Latin and Hungarian of the following catechisms: Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, Heidelberg Catechism, Petrus Canisius’ Catechismus Catholicus, and Roberto Bellarmino’s Dottrina Christiana breve. There is also made an effort to identify the ways in which the Romanian Orthodox clerics and lay intellectuals had responded to the challenges raised by the confessional division of the Western Christianity. Keywords: Age of Confessionalization, Protestantism, Catholic Reform, Eastern Orthodoxy, Romanian Catechisms
👤Author Name: Nicolae Bârna 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Bârna, Nicolae. „VLADISLAV RJÉOUTSKI, GESINE ARGENT, DEREK OFFORD (dir.), European Francophonie. The Social, Political and Cultural History of an International Prestige Language, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, Editions Peter Lang, 2014. 498 pp., 7 tables, 3 fig., ISBN 978-3-0343-1703-0 (eBook: ISBN 978-3-0353-0630-9)”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 99-102Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 99-102Language: FrenchURL: Book: VLADISLAV RJÉOUTSKI, GESINE ARGENT, DEREK OFFORD (dir.), European Francophonie. The Social, Political and Cultural History of an International Prestige Language, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, Editions Peter Lang, 2014. 498 pp., 7 tables, 3 fig., ISBN 978-3-0343-1703-0 (eBook: ISBN 978-3-0353-0630-9)
👤Author Name: Manuela Anton 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. „AMELIA SANZ, FRANCESCA SCOTT, SUZAN VAN DIJK (ed.), Women Telling Nations, Rodopi, Amsterdam — New York, 2014, 472 p., ISBN 978-90- 420-3870-7”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 95-99Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 95-99Language: FrenchURL: Book: AMELIA SANZ, FRANCESCA SCOTT, SUZAN VAN DIJK (ed.), Women Telling Nations, Rodopi, Amsterdam — New York, 2014, 472 p., ISBN 978-90- 420-3870-7
👤Author Name: Mihail-George Hâncu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Hâncu, Mihail-George. „SARGA MOUSSA, ALEXANDRE STROEV (coord.), L’invention de la Sibérie par les voyageurs et écrivains français (XVIII-XIX° siècles), Paris, Institut d’Etudes Slaves, 2014, 234 p., ISBN 978-2-7204-0525-9”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 92-95Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 92-95Language: FrenchURL: Book: SARGA MOUSSA, ALEXANDRE STROEV (coord.), L’invention de la Sibérie par les voyageurs et écrivains français (XVIII-XIX° siècles), Paris, Institut d’Etudes Slaves, 2014, 234 p., ISBN 978-2-7204-0525-9
👤Author Name: Ioan Pânzaru 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Pânzaru, Ioan. „CATALINA GIRBEA, Le Bon Sarrasin dans le roman médiéval (1100-1225), Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2014, 671 pp., coll. Bibliothèque d’Histoire Médiévale, n° 10, ISBN 978-2-8124-2860-9”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 88-92Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 88-92Language: FrenchURL: Book: CATALINA GIRBEA, Le Bon Sarrasin dans le roman médiéval (1100-1225), Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2014, 671 pp., coll. Bibliothèque d’Histoire Médiévale, n° 10, ISBN 978-2-8124-2860-9
👤Author Name: Ileana Mihăilă 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Mihăilă, Ileana. „DOLORES TOMA, Panaït Istrati de À à Z, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, Peter Lang, 2014, 235 p, ISBN 978-3-631-65707-2”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 85-88Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 85-88Language: FrenchURL: Book: DOLORES TOMA, Panaït Istrati de À à Z, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, Peter Lang, 2014, 235 p, ISBN 978-3-631-65707-2
👤Author Name: Cristina Balinte 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Balinte, Cristina. „K. GVOZDEVA, A. STROEV (dir.) avec la collaboration de L. MILLON, Savoirs ludiques. Pratiques de divertissement et émergence d’institutions, doctrines et disciplines dans l’Europe moderne, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2014, 307 p., ISBN 978-27-4532-5839”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 83-85Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 83-85Language: FrenchURL: Book: K. GVOZDEVA, A. STROEV (dir.) avec la collaboration de L. MILLON, Savoirs ludiques. Pratiques de divertissement et émergence d’institutions, doctrines et disciplines dans l’Europe moderne, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2014, 307 p., ISBN 978-27-4532-5839
👤Author Name: Ileana MihăilăAffiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of French Language and LiteratureContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Mihăilă, Ileana. „Le probleme de la veracite: le roman historique et le roman en tant qu’histoire”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 77-82Title: LE PROBLEME DE LA VERACITE: LE ROMAN HISTORIQUE ET LE ROMAN EN TANT QU’HISTOIREPages: 77-82Language: French URL: Abstract What are the connections between literature and history? To what extent can literature be considered to be faithful (or unfaithful!) to the historical event? Is the novel a credible source of historical information (or simply formation) for the reader? These are the main questions that this paper, The Problem of the Veracity: Historical Novel and Novel-as-History, intends to answer, starting from the definition of the historical novel. However, in which area could literary narration manage to give its reader the historical event in a shape that is as close to the bareness that would grant it documentary value? Paradoxically, literature and specifically the novel whose action is contemporary to the moment of writing are, through the subjectivity assumed by means of its very definition as literature, more objective. Maybe the real historical novel is a novel-as[1]history……
👤Author Name: А. СтыкалинAffiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies (Institut Slvanovdeniia) of the Russian Academy of SciencesContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Стыкалин, А. „Советский солдат на среднеевропейской земле в 1945 г. Встреча двух цивилизаций глазами писателей[1]современников (заметки на полях книги Ш. Мараи «Земля! Земля!»)”. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 57-76Title: СОВЕТСКИЙ СОЛДАТ НА СРЕДНЕЕВРОПЕЙСКОЙ ЗЕМЛЕ В 1945 Г. ВСТРЕЧА ДВУХ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИЙ ГЛАЗАМИ ПИСАТЕЛЕЙ[1]СОВРЕМЕННИКОВ (ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ КНИГИ Ш. МАРАИ «ЗЕМЛЯ! ЗЕМЛЯ!»)Pages: 57-76Language: Russian URL: Abstract This is a comparative study regarding Hungary at the end of the World War II, Soviet occupation and the establishment of communist regime under the control from Moscow in the light of Sándor Márai’s Memoir of Hungary (1944-1948) and Semen Gudzenko’s War Diaries. The analysis follows the historiosophical path set up by both writers while depicting the liberated/occupied by Soviet Army Central Europe as a meeting point of two civilizations Keywords: Sandor Marai, Tierra, Tierra!, Semen Gudzenko, War Diaries, Oswald Spengler