👤Author Name: Ileana Mihăilă 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Mihăilă, Ileana. „ELENA GRETCHANAIA, ALEXANDRE STROEV, CATHERINE VIOLLET (dir.), La francophonie européenne aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles. Perspectives littéraires, historiques et culturelles, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2012, 276 p., ISBN 978-2-87574-005-2”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 104-106Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 104-106Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/13_Mihaila.pdf Book ELENA GRETCHANAIA, ALEXANDRE STROEV, CATHERINE VIOLLET (dir.), La francophonie européenne aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles. Perspectives littéraires, historiques et culturelles, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2012, 276 p., ISBN 978-2-87574-005-2
👤Author Name: Mihail-George Hâncu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Hâncu, Mihail-George. „PRINCE CHARLES-JOSEPH DE LIGNE, Correspondances russes, textes réunis, établis et annotés par Alexandre Stroev et Jeroom Vercruyse, Paris, Éditions Honoré Champion, 2013, 2 vol., 1032 p., ISBN 978-2-7453-2095-7”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 102-103Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 102-103Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/12_Hancu.pdf Book PRINCE CHARLES-JOSEPH DE LIGNE, Correspondances russes, textes réunis, établis et annotés par Alexandre Stroev et Jeroom Vercruyse, Paris, Éditions Honoré Champion, 2013, 2 vol., 1032 p., ISBN 978-2-7453-2095-7
👤Author Name: Luminița Diaconu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Diaconu, Luminița. „GUYONNE LEDUC (dir.), Les Rôles transfrontaliers joués par les femmes dans la construction de lʼEurope, préface de Suzan van Dijk, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012, 415 p., ISBN 147-156-16”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 98-102Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 98-102Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/11_Diaconu.pdf Book GUYONNE LEDUC (dir.), Les Rôles transfrontaliers joués par les femmes dans la construction de lʼEurope, préface de Suzan van Dijk, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012, 415 p., ISBN 147-156-16
👤Author Name: Luminița Diaconu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Diaconu, Luminița. ”Christine MONGENOT et Marie-Emmanuelle PLAGNOL-DIÉVAL (dir.), Madame de Maintenon, une femme de lettres ?, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, collection « Interférences », 2012, 322 p., ISBN 978-2-7535-2100-1”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 95-106Column: NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUESPages: 95-106Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/10_Diaconu.pdf Book Christine MONGENOT et Marie-Emmanuelle PLAGNOL-DIÉVAL (dir.), Madame de Maintenon, une femme de lettres ?, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, collection « Interférences », 2012, 322 p., ISBN 978-2-7535-2100-1
👤Author Name: Daniel Petru IonescuAffiliation: National University of Arts of BucharestContact: danielionescu@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Ionescu, Daniel Petru. “The space-creating potential of perspective”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 87-93Title: THE SPACE-CREATING POTENTIAL OF PERSPECTIVEPages: 87-93Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/9_Ionescu.pdf Abstract The essay pertains to the space-creating potential of perspective in painting, from the Middle Ages up to Renaissance, Futurism and Cubist paintings of the twentieth century. Keywords: concept, perspective, movement, space, time, temporality
👤Author Name: Raluca PerțaAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian AcademyContact: ralucduna@yahoo.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Perța, Raluca. “The travellerʼs eye. Anatole Demidoff and his 1837 Travel through Wallachia”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 77-85Title: THE TRAVELLERʼS EYE. ANATOLE DEMIDOFF AND HIS 1837 TRAVEL THROUGH WALLACHIAPages: 77-85Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/8_Perta.pdf Abstract The article is focused on a European personality of the first half of the nineteenth century, Anatol Demidoff, who initiated a multi-disciplinary expedition from Paris to Southern Russia, Crossing more than half Europe and coming down through the Romanian Principalities, Wallachia and Moldavia. This article concentrates upon the traveler’s perception of the Romanian realities of 1837: villages, cities, people’s mentalities, landscapes, politics, entertainment and culture. The interest lies in what attracts the eye of the traveler, in the visual and cultural meaning of this perception. Keywords: multi-disciplinary expedition in the nineteenth century Europe, Anatol Demidoff, the image of Wallachia, Romanian postal Services, Bucharest at 1837
👤Author Name: Ana-Maria DascăluAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian AcademyContact: ana_romitan@yahoo.de 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Dascălu, Ana-Maria. “Ugo Foscolos Sonetti”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 57-76Title: UGO FOSCOLOS SONETTIPages: 57-76Language: GermanURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/7_Dascalu.pdf Abstract This article is targeting Ugo Foscolo’s transition and change from the stage of a young prose writer to a poet that has reached full maturity of expression. This development is achieved, on the one hand, by leaving the epistolary novel in favour of the sonnet, and, on the other hand, by refreshing the themes and motifs given in the author’s work by then. Keywords: Ugo Foscolo, sonnet, epistolary novel, romance
👤Author Name: Manuela AntonAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian AcademyContact: manuelaanton@hotmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. “The Transylvanian Greek Catholic theologian Petru Maior (1756-1821) and the Central European Catholic Enlightenment”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 51-55Title: THE TRANSYLVANIAN GREEK CATHOLIC THEOLOGIAN PETRU MAIOR (1756-1821) AND THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN CATHOLIC ENLIGHTENMENTPages: 51-55Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/6_Anton.pdf Abstract In the second half of the eighteenth century, the Romanian Greek Catholic theologians embarked upon a canonical and doctrinal renewal of their Church, which has been established at the end of the previous century. The institutional consolidation of the Greek Catholicism was carried out in accordance with the developments within the so-called Central European Catholic Enlightemnent. From the Romanian point of view, one of the main intellectual tasks was to give the idea of the reconciliation of the traditions of Eastern and Western Churches a chance. The essay treats the issue of the Catholic Enlightenment in the light of the works of the Transylvanian Greek Catholic theologian Petru Maior. Keywords: Catholic Enlightenment, Febronianism, Habsburg Empire, Romanian Greek Catholic culture, Petru Maior Bibliography Primary sources: Maior, Petru, Procanonul, edit. Constantin Erbiceanu, Bucharest, 1894. Maior, Petru, Protopopadichia, edit. Laura Stanciu,…
👤Author Name: Ileana MihăilăAffiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of French Language and LiteratureContact: ileanamihaila59@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Mihăilă, Ileana. “Les débuts et lʼâge dʼor de la francophonie chez les Roumains: la littérature française chez les Roumains”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 43-50Title: LES DÉBUTS ET LʼÂGE DʼOR DE LA FRANCOPHONIE CHEZ LES ROUMAINS: LA LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE CHEZ LES ROUMAINSPages: 43-50Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/5_Mihaila.pdf Abstract This article is describing the complex process by which French language and culture penetrated Romanian society from the eighteenth century on. The introduction of French as a compulsory foreign language in Romanian education increased the number of francophone Romanians in the nineteenth century. Romanians became not merely francophones but also enthusiastic consumers of French literature and finally even producers of francophone literature. Keywords: Cultural transfer, French culture, Romanian culture, Enlightenment, Voltaire
👤Author Name: Luminița DiaconuAffiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of French Language and LiteratureContact: luminitaediaconu@yahoo.fr 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Diaconu, Luminița. “Echos de la morale abélardienne dans La Nouvelle Héloise”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 31-41Title: ECHOS DE LA MORALE ABÉLARDIENNE DANS LA NOUVELLE HÉLOISEPages: 31-41Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/4_Diaconu.pdf Abstract The correspondence between Heloise and Pierre Abélard has been until recently the central issue in many studies, focusing mainly on the scholarly master’s exceptional destiny, which had an important contribution to the pinnacle of dialectics during the twelfth century, but also to controversial ethics ideas, which fuelled many disputes among ecclesiastic authorities. We try to present the reader with a different perspective on this corpus, regarding it as a starting point with a view to strike a balance between Julie, Rousseau’s character in the New Héloïse, and her medieval patron, as he’s depicted in the first two letters attributed to the young woman known to be Abélard’s apprentice and mistress. Keywords: Rousseau, The New Héloïse, medieval thought, the Abelardian ethical model, constraint assimilation Bibliography BLOMME, Robert, La Doctrine du péché dans les écoles théologiques de la première moitié du XIIe siècle, Gembloux, 1958. CHENU, Marie-Dominique, La Théologie…