Name: Manuela Anton
Affiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian Academy
Contact: manuelaanton@hotmail.com
Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. “The Transylvanian Greek Catholic theologian Petru Maior (1756-1821) and the Central European Catholic Enlightenment”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 51-55
Pages: 51-55
Language: English
URL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/6_Anton.pdf
In the second half of the eighteenth century, the Romanian Greek Catholic theologians embarked upon a canonical and doctrinal renewal of their Church, which has been established at the end of the previous century. The institutional consolidation of the Greek Catholicism was carried out in accordance with the developments within the so-called Central European Catholic Enlightemnent. From the Romanian point of view, one of the main intellectual tasks was to give the idea of the reconciliation of the traditions of Eastern and Western Churches a chance. The essay treats the issue of the Catholic Enlightenment in the light of the works of the Transylvanian Greek Catholic theologian Petru Maior.
Keywords: Catholic Enlightenment, Febronianism, Habsburg Empire, Romanian Greek Catholic culture, Petru Maior
Primary sources:
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Maior, Petru, Istoria Bisericii românilor, vol. I, edit. Ioan Chindriş, Bucharest, 1995.
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