1918-2018. La literature nationale comme projet unificateur

December 19, 2023


Name: Paul Cernat
Affiliation: University of Bucharest
Contact: cernatpaul@gmail.com


Citation Recommendation: Cernat, Paul. „1918-2018. La literature nationale comme projet unificateur”. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 11-21.
Pages: 11-21
Language: French
URL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/2_P_Cernat.pdf


This paper offers a new approach on the topic of the identity of Romanian Literature as National Literature. I will discuss the case of the referential History of the Romanian Literature from its Origins until Present Day (1941) written by the most important Romanian literary critic and historian G Călinescu. This holistic historical narrative sends to a particular strategy of legitimizing the national literature as a history of literary values. I will argue that his focus on Romanian language as a trademark of Romanian literary identity proves insufficient as there are too many examples which invalidate Călinescu’s theory. I will propose in exchange an alternative, rather relative, but dynamic and integrative perspective: national literature as a concept with a variable geometry. That means, among others, the outcome of a historical metamorphosis, with its multiple borders and changing statutes, also with its modern and pre-modern avatars. We know that the challenges and new conflict between national and supranational brought by globalisation radically reformulate literary national identities and particularly peripheral and semi-peripheral identities, which need to update their roles and strategies of affirmation and preservation. This approach regarding National Literature will open a new dialogue with concepts like Regional Literature and even World Literature (in terms of world system analysis)

Key-words: literary history, identity, national literature, transnational literature, regional literature


CĂLINESCU, G, Istoria literaturii romĂąne de la origini pĂąnă Ăźn prezent [L’histoire de la littĂ©rature roumaine depuis ses origines jusqu’à nos jours], București, Fundația Regală pentru Literatură și Artă, 1941

MARTIN, Mircea, G. Călinescu și „complexele” literaturii romĂąne [G. Călinescu et les «complexes» de la littĂ©rature roumaine], București, Editura Minerva, 1981

IORGA, N, Oameni cari au fost [Les disparus], Ă©dition et notes de Ion Roman, vol II, București, Editura pentru Literatură, 1967 

CASANOVA, Pascale, La RĂ©publique mondiale des Lettres, ed revue et corigĂ©e, Paris, Seuil, 2008

SIMION, Eugen (coord), Dicționarul General al Literaturii RomĂąne [Dictionnaire GĂ©nĂ©ral de la LittĂ©rature Roumaine], I-VIII (A-Z), 2Ăšme Ă©dition revue et mise Ă  jour, București, Academia RomĂąnă, Editura Muzeul Literaturii RomĂąne, 2016-2021

  • DOI: 10.59277/synthe.2023.1-2.11

One Comment

  • Kurtis Cohen December 28, 2023 at 6:06 pm

    It’s hard to come by well-informed people on this topic, however, you seem like
    you know what you’re talking about! Thanks

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