Benjamin Fondane, Paul Celan et Norman Manea. Trois frères de lait noir

December 19, 2023


Name: Vanhese Gisèle
Affiliation: Università della Calabria [University of Calabria]


Citation Recommendation: Vanhese, Gisèle. „Benjamin Fondane, Paul Celan et Norman Manea. Trois frères de lait noir”. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 22-37.
Pages: 22-37
Language: French


In this essay, we study the presence of Benjamin Fondane in the work of Paul Celan, especially in Gespräch im Gebirg (Dialogue dans la montagne). Starting from the interesting hypothesis of Norman Manea — the interlocutor of Celan would in fact be Fondane — we adduce further proof to his considerations while expanding our research to Stimmen from the collection Sprachgitter and Vor dein spätes Gesicht from the collection Atemwende, texts that Norman Manea did not consider. Finally we point out to the intertextual relations that exist between the poetry of Benjamin Fondane and that of Paul Celan and Yvan Goll while relying our philological analysis on the textual indices disseminated in their works, indices toward which criticism has not pointed up to the present time.

Key-words: exile, poetry, Romanian migrant literature, intertextuality, Romania


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  • DOI: 10.59277/synthe.2023.1-2.22

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