đ¤Author Name: Daniela VIZIREANUAffiliation: University of BucharestContact: d.vizireanu@yahoo.com đArticle Citation Recommendation: Political Hegemony Over the Public Intellectual in Communist Romania: Monica Lovinescu and Her Misrepresented Portrayal in the Print Pressâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 94-100.Title: POLITICAL HEGEMONY OVER THE PUBLIC INTELLECTUAL IN COMMUNIST ROMANIA: MONICA LOVINESCU AND HER MISREPRESENTED PORTRAYAL IN THE PRINT PRESSPages: 94-100Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/9_D_Vizireanu.pdf Abstract In the last decades of the Romanian communist regime, a few leading propaganda newspapers and publications such as LuceafÄrul and SÄptÄmĂŽna violently targeted Monica Lovinescu. This article aims to briefly explore several texts written against her by nationalist supporters of the regime between 1979 and 1989. For example, Artur Silvestri and Eugen Barbu wrote a tremendous number of articles against Monica Lovinescu, brought together in the series âPseudo-culture on Short Wavesâ and âThe Strategies and Tactics of Radio Free Europeâ. Also, various articles from Romanian newspapers would become topics for discussion in the Parisian broadcasts of Radio Free Europe. The Communist Party paid attention to Lovinescuâs criticism of the Romanian regime in her weekly radiophonic program. Press campaigns, particularly in the 1980s, forcibly misinterpreted her journalistic and literary career, portraying her as an enemy of Romania from the West. Key-words: print press, Monica Lovinescu, Radio Free Europe,…
đ¤Author Name: Andrada PUČCOCIAffiliation: University of BucharestContact: puscoci_andra@yahoo.com đArticle Citation Recommendation: PuČcoci, Andra-Ioana. âThe Veils of the Eternal Exile in the Hooliganâs Returnâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 82-93.Title: THE VEILS OF THE ETERNAL EXILE IN THE HOOLIGANâS RETURNPages: 82-93Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/8_A_I_Puscoci.pdf Abstract In The Hooliganâs Return, Norman Manea tackles a series of defining themes for post-war European novels, namely exile, memory, self-delusion, the impossibility of return and life under totalitarian regimes. Manea uses the mythical figure of Ulysses to highlight the attempts of the exile to return to his native country in order to reshape the identity that was fragmented by the totalitarian political regime but also to show the inadequacy that the wanderer feels at the end of the journey to his origins. The long peregrinations deprive the exile of landmarks, as he ends up living on the recollection of events from his nightmarish past. The return to Romania and the confrontation with the past do not induce any emotion but prove to Manea that everything that was familiar to him had faded to the point of being emptied of meaning. Not only Jormania has changed, but so has he, and that is why he ends up feeling alienated from his old existence. The reader becomes…
đ¤Author Name: VictoriČa TUDORAffiliation: University of BucharestContact: victorita.tudor@yahoo.com đArticle Citation Recommendation: Tudor, VictoriČa. âLa mythologie dâun exil heureux : Matei ViČniec ou comment habiter la culture françaiseâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 72-81.Title: LA MYTHOLOGIE DâUN EXIL HEUREUX : MATEI VIČNIEC OU COMMENT HABITER LA CULTURE FRANĂAISEPages: 72-81Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/6_S_Poenariu.pdf Abstract The aim of this article is to reveal the implications of the political exile in Matei Visniec`s literary work, which he claims to be a joyful one, a cultural adventure, and leads him to describe himself as a man with his roots in Romania and his wings in France regardless of the communist terror. Our analysis will dismantle and aspire to establish the features of a whole imagery and theatrical chronotopes created in the context of exile, when ViČniec lived in Paris, â but also after the fall of communism â, when he engaged as a journalist and writer against the communist regime, exploring the soothing and cathartic virtues of the Word, whilst inhabiting two cultures and two sensibilities. Key-words: joyful exile, communism, cultural transfer, Romanian imagery, Otherness, Francophony Bibliography CREČU, Bogdan, Matei Visniec, un optzecist atipic [MatĂŠi Visniec, une figure atypique des annĂŠes â80], IaČi, Editura UniversitÄČii, 2005 DAVID, Emilia, ConsecinČele bilingvismului ĂŽn teatrul…
đ¤Author Name: Senida POENARIUAffiliation: Transylvania University of BraČovContact: poenariusenida@yahoo.com đArticle Citation Recommendation: Poenariu, Senida. âThe Case of Dorin Tudoran. The Poetry of Exile and the Exile of Poetryâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 61-71.Title: THE âCASEâ OF DORIN TUDORAN. THE POETRY OF EXILE AND THE EXILE OF POETRYPages: 61-71Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/6_S_Poenariu.pdf Abstract This essay traces the evolution of Dorin Tudoran’s poetics, the mutations from one volume to another, starting from the hypothesis that the theme of exile is defining for all the poetâs work. I have tried to capture the stages of this exile, its points of departure and expression, Dorin Tudoran’s relationship with the political system, and, above all, the causes that generated an inversion in the natural order: Tudoranâs entire work seems to be the product of a biographical event that, from a diachronic point of view, marks only the author’s last volume. How poetry prefigured biography in the case of Dorin Tudoran calls for a conceptualization of âexileâ beyond its basic meaning, that of crossing (willingly or unwillingly) geographical boundaries Key-words: exile; internal exile; rupture; subversion; foreigner Bibliography BODIU, Andrei; LÄCÄTUČ Adrian; GHIURČIU, Maria, Literatura românÄ contemporanÄ. Dorin Tudoran Či Dumitru Čepeneag [Contemporary Romanian Literature. Dorin Tudoran and Dumitru Čepeneag], Cluj-Napoca, Casa CÄrČii de ČtiinČÄ,…
đ¤Author Name: Alexandra VRĂNCRANU PAGLIARDINIAffiliation: University of BucharestContact: alexandra.vranceanu@g.unibuc.ro đArticle Citation Recommendation: Vrânceanu Pagliardini, Alexandra. âBiographie et fiction dans les romans dystopiques de Oana Orlea et Virgil Gheorghiuâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 48-60.Title: BIOGRAPHIE ET FICTION DANS LES ROMANS DYSTOPIQUES DE OANA ORLEA ET VIRGIL GHEORGHIUPages: 48-60Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/5_A_Vranceanu.pdf Abstract This article analyses the theme of fear in Le grand Exterminateur by Virgil Gheorghiu and Un sosie en cavale by Oana Orlea. Romanian writers who chose the exile in France during the Cold War describe in their novels a dystopic world, where the dominant fear of the communist Romanian secret police, the Securitate, transforms the whole world in a prison cell. Inspired by their biography, Orleaâs and Gheorghiuâs novels describe the relationship between the world they escaped from and France, their new home, as permeable, thus creating a fictional world from which escape is impossible. The protagonists of Orleaâs and Gheorghiuâs novels are convinced that the Securitate is watching everybody and is just as omniscient and omnipresent as Orwellâs Big Brother. From a narrative point of view, both Orlea and Gheorghiu use a formula that brings together the detective novel, the dystopia, and some references to their own biographies. Key-words: dystopia, Oana Orlea, Virgil Gheorghiu,…
đ¤Author Name: Nicolae BĂRNAAffiliation: Independent ResearcherContact: nbirna@yahoo.fr đArticle Citation Recommendation: Bârna, Nicolae. âQuelques considĂŠrations au sujet dâun ĂŠcrivain bilingue et de son livre bilingue : Dumitru Tsepeneag et Cuvântul nisiparniĹŁÄ (Le mot sablier)â. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 38-47.Title: QUELQUES CONSIDĂRATIONS AU SUJET DŐUN ĂCRIVAIN BILINGUE ET DE SON LIVRE BILINGUE : DUMITRU TSEPENEAG ET CUVĂNTUL NISIPARNIČÄ (LE MOT SABLIER)Pages: 38-47Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/4_N_Barna.pdf Abstract Exiled in 1975 by the totalitarian government of his country and forced to remain in France, the Romanian Dumitru Tsepeneag took to writing in French. Not at once or, more precisely, not exclusively, but gradually. Cuvântul nisiparniĹŁÄ (published in French as Le mot sablier [The Hourglass Word]) is a bilingual novel which starts in Romanian and finishes in French, but throughout the book the two languages alternate or mix in different proportions. Cuvântul nisiparniĹŁÄ [The Hourglass Word] is a documentary work, at the same time a chronicle and demonstration of the passage from one language to another. A self-specular text, its âtrueâ subject and story is its own production. All the marks of a so-called âroumanityâ â linguistical, related to the personal imagination and to mentalities â are gradually transposed into French and replaced by French, as the author gets his writing Frenchified along the novel. The author aspires…
đ¤Author Name: Vanhese GisèleAffiliation: UniversitĂ della Calabria [University of Calabria]Contact: gisele.vanhese@unical.it đArticle Citation Recommendation: Vanhese, Gisèle. âBenjamin Fondane, Paul Celan et Norman Manea. Trois frères de lait noirâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 22-37.Title: BENJAMIN FONDANE, PAUL CELAN ET NORMAN MANEA. TROIS FRĂRES DE LAIT NOIRPages: 22-37Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/3_G_Vanhese.pdf Abstract In this essay, we study the presence of Benjamin Fondane in the work of Paul Celan, especially in Gespräch im Gebirg (Dialogue dans la montagne). Starting from the interesting hypothesis of Norman Manea â the interlocutor of Celan would in fact be Fondane â we adduce further proof to his considerations while expanding our research to Stimmen from the collection Sprachgitter and Vor dein spätes Gesicht from the collection Atemwende, texts that Norman Manea did not consider. Finally we point out to the intertextual relations that exist between the poetry of Benjamin Fondane and that of Paul Celan and Yvan Goll while relying our philological analysis on the textual indices disseminated in their works, indices toward which criticism has not pointed up to the present time. Key-words: exile, poetry, Romanian migrant literature, intertextuality, Romania Bibliography BACHMANN, Ingeborg, Malina, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1991 BACHMANN, Ingeborg, Malina, traduction de Philippe Jaccottet, Paris, Ăditions du Seuil, 1991 BAUDELAIRE, Ĺuvres complètes, texte ĂŠtabli par Y-G Le Dantec,…
đ¤Author Name: Paul CernatAffiliation: University of BucharestContact: cernatpaul@gmail.com đArticle Citation Recommendation: Cernat, Paul. â1918-2018. La literature nationale comme projet unificateurâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 11-21.Title: 1918-2018. LA LITTĂRATURE NATIONALE COMME PROJET UNIFICATEURPages: 11-21Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/2_P_Cernat.pdf Abstract This paper offers a new approach on the topic of the identity of Romanian Literature as National Literature. I will discuss the case of the referential History of the Romanian Literature from its Origins until Present Day (1941) written by the most important Romanian literary critic and historian G CÄlinescu. This holistic historical narrative sends to a particular strategy of legitimizing the national literature as a history of literary values. I will argue that his focus on Romanian language as a trademark of Romanian literary identity proves insufficient as there are too many examples which invalidate CÄlinescuâs theory. I will propose in exchange an alternative, rather relative, but dynamic and integrative perspective: national literature as a concept with a variable geometry. That means, among others, the outcome of a historical metamorphosis, with its multiple borders and changing statutes, also with its modern and pre-modern avatars. We know that the challenges and new conflict between national and supranational brought by globalisation radically reformulate literary national identities and particularly…
đ¤Author Name: Ioan Aurel PopAffiliation: Romanian AcademyContact: iapop@acad.ro đArticle Citation Recommendation: Pop, Ioan-Aurel. âNational Culture and its Universal Dimensionâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 5-10.Title: NATIONAL CULTURE AND ITS UNIVERSAL DIMENSIONPages: 5-10Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/1_I_A_Pop.pdf Excerpt: The conception that a creator of intellectual values must deliberately expressuniversality if he or she aims to be accepted by the intellectual elite of the world isbroadly spread within certain milieus. This conception, although enticing, does notcorrespond to reality. No human creation can aspire to become universal if it doesnot express first the specificity of a certain place and the ideals of a well-definedcommunity.
đ¤Author Author : Manuela AntonAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory âG. CÄlinescuâ of the Romanian AcademyContact: manuelaanton@hotmail.com đArticle Citation Recommendation: Anton, Manuela. âThe Catechetical Literature Written In Romanian Language In The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuriesâ. Synthesis, no. XLI, 2014, pp. 25-33Title: THE CATECHETICAL LITERATURE WRITTEN IN ROMANIAN LANGUAGE IN THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIESPages: 25-33Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2014/XLI/3_M_Anton.pdf Abstract In this essay there are examined the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Romanian translations from German, Latin and Hungarian of the following catechisms: Martin Lutherâs Small Catechism, Heidelberg Catechism, Petrus Canisiusâ Catechismus Catholicus, and Roberto Bellarminoâs Dottrina Christiana breve. There is also made an effort to identify the ways in which the Romanian Orthodox clerics and lay intellectuals had responded to the challenges raised by the confessional division of the Western Christianity. Keywords: Age of Confessionalization, Protestantism, Catholic Reform, Eastern Orthodoxy, Romanian Catechisms