Name: Senida POENARIU
Affiliation: Transylvania University of BraČov
Contact: poenariusenida@yahoo.com
Citation Recommendation: Poenariu, Senida. âThe Case of Dorin Tudoran. The Poetry of Exile and the Exile of Poetryâ. Synthesis, XLII (2023): 61-71.
Pages: 61-71
Language: English
URL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2022-2023/1-2/6_S_Poenariu.pdf
This essay traces the evolution of Dorin Tudoran’s poetics, the mutations from one volume to another, starting from the hypothesis that the theme of exile is defining for all the poetâs work. I have tried to capture the stages of this exile, its points of departure and expression, Dorin Tudoran’s relationship with the political system, and, above all, the causes that generated an inversion in the natural order: Tudoranâs entire work seems to be the product of a biographical event that, from a diachronic point of view, marks only the author’s last volume. How poetry prefigured biography in the case of Dorin Tudoran calls for a conceptualization of âexileâ beyond its basic meaning, that of crossing (willingly or unwillingly) geographical boundaries
Key-words: exile; internal exile; rupture; subversion; foreigner
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DOI: 10.59277/synthe.2023.1-2.61