Articles / December 15, 2013

👤Author Name: Alexandra CiocârlieAffiliation: Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian AcademyContact: aciocarlie@yahoo.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Ciocârlie, Alexandra. “E. Lovinescu, lecteur sceptique des littératures grecque et latine”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 21-29Title: E. LOVINESCU, LECTEUR SCEPTIQUE DES LITTÉRATURES GRECQUE ET LATINEPages: 21-29Language: FrenchURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/3_Ciocarlie.pdf Abstract E. Lovinescu was a classicist and, at the same time, a promoter of modernism with high visibility in the Romanian culture. Throughout his work (early articles and the volume Mutaţia valorilor estetice included in Istoria literaturii române contemporane), E. Lovinescu permanently takes into account the reader’s perspective – a reader who is contemporary with him – in his interpretations of the literary writings of various Greek and Latin authors Keywords: Romanian criticism, modernism, Greek literature, Latin literature, intertextuality

Articles / December 15, 2013

👤Author Name: Ioana CostaAffiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of Classical PhilologyContact: ioana.costa@yahoo.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Costa, Ioana. “The dumb prophet”. Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 5-8Title: EZEKIEL, THE DUMB PROPHETPages: 5-8Language: EnglishURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/1_Costa.pdf Abstract Prophet Ezekiel is ordained, from the very beginning of his mission, to remain mute; nevertheless, he has to transmit the words God trusted him in order to bring people on the correct path of living their lives. The possible lack of coherence of this text might be emended either by interpreting the significance of muteness or by a different translation Keywords: Ezekiel, Septuagint, prophet, muteness, translation Bibliography Biggs, Charles R., The Book of Ezekiel, London, 1996. Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H., Talmon, Shemaryahu (ed.), The Book of Ezekiel, Jerusalem, 2004. Grégoire le Grand, Homélies sur Ézéchiel, Charles Morel (ed.), Paris, 1986, 1990. McKeating, Henry, Ezekiel, Sheffield, 1993. Lust, Johan, Eynikel, Erik, Hauspie, Katrin (ed.), Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint, Stuttgart, 20032. Origene, Homelies sur Ezechiel, Marcel Borret (ed.), Paris, 1989. Oxford Bible Commentary, Oxford, 2001. Rahlfs, Alfred (ed.), Septuaginta, duo uolumina in uno, Stuttgart, 1979. Traduction oecuménique de la Bible. Ancien TestamentL, Paris, 1989. Wevers, John W., Ezekiel, London, 1969. Zimmerli, Walther,…

Articles / December 15, 2013

👤Author Name: Eugenia DimaAffiliation: Senior Research Fellow at the University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” – IașiContact: eta_dima@yahoo.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Dima, Eugenia. “Una versione inedita della cronaca della Moldavia dal 1709 al 1711 di Nicolae Costin, interpolata nella Viața lui Petru”.  Synthesis, no. XL, 2013, pp. 9-19Title: UNA VERSIONE INEDITA DELLA CRONACA DELLA MOLDAVIA DAL 1709 AL 1711 DI NICOLAE COSTIN, INTERPOLATA NELLA VIAȚA LUI PETRUPages: 9-19Language: ItalianURL: https://synthesis.ro/pdf/2013/XL/2_Dima.pdf Abstract Antonios Katiforos published in Italian the book entitled Vita di Pietro il Grande, imperador della Rusia, first edition, Venice, 1736, that had several editions. It was translated into Greek by Alexandros Kankellarios and published in 1737 in Venice as well. In the Romanian provinces, Katiforos’ writing has been translated three times. The oldest translation was in Wallachia, by Matei Fărcăşanu (the first volume), through the Greek intermediary of Kankellarios, while in Moldavia both volumes were translated by the clergyman Cozma Vlahul, also from a Greek version. Another translation was made in Braşov (volume 1, books 1-4), but the source language is uncertain. Ms. miscel. 3161 from BAR contains an insertion, at f. 14 lv—166r, in the so-called Cartea a cincea (book 5), which the author of this article considers to be…

Synthesis Issue XL / 2013
Issues / December 15, 2013

Table of Contents: IOANA COSTAEzekiel, the Dumb Prophet / 5 EUGENIA DIMAUna versione inedita della Cronaca della Moldavia dal 1709 al 1711 di Nicolae Costin, interpolata nella Viaţa lui Petru / 9 ALEXANDRA CIOCÂRLIEE. Lovinescu, lecteur sceptique des littératures grecque et latine / 21 LUMINIŢA DIACONUÉchos de la morale abélardienne dans La Nouvelle Héloïse / 31 ILEANA MIHĂILĂLes débuts et l’âge d’or de la francophonie chez les Roumains: la littérature française chez les Roumains / 43 MANUELA ANTON The Transylvanian Greek Catholic Theologian Petru Maior (1756–1821) and the Central European Catholic Enlightenment / 51 ANA-MARIA DASCĂLUUgo Foscolos Sonetti / 57 RALUCA PERŢAThe Traveler’s Eye: Anatole Demidoff and His 1837 Travel through Wallachia / 77 DANIEL PETRU IONESCUThe Space-Creating Potential of Perspective/ 87 NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES Christine Mongenot, Marie-Emmanuelle Plagnol-Diéval (dir.), Madame de Maintenon, une femme de lettres? (Luminiţa Diaconu); Guyonne Leduc (dir.), Les Rôles transfrontaliers joués par les femmes dans la construction de l’Europe (Luminiţa Diaconu); Charles-Joseph de Ligne, Correspondances russes, éd. Alexandre Stroev et Jeroom Vercruysse (Mihail-George Hâncu); Elena Gretchanaia, Alexandre Stroev, Catherine Viollet (dir.), La francophonie européenne aux XVIIIe – XIXe siècles. Perspectives littéraires, historiques et culturelles (Ileana Mihăilă);